Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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Manufacture Your Day by TAKING SMALL STEPS

 In Manufacture Your Day

Manufacturing Excellence Small Steps

It is fascinating for me to observe how many people look for big overnight success and don’t recognize the importance of taking small steps in the right direction.

Over the years I have started to appreciate the power of consistency in everything I do. A simple example is Toastmasters. I joined Toastmasters in February 2004 because my boss at Magna International recommended it at the time. I had no idea how this decision would shape my future.

Originally, I joined because I wanted to impress him. However, I recognized very quickly that there was a lot that I could gain from this organization. I could have never started my business without the confidence Toastmasters gave me. I improved my impromptu speaking skills and my presentation skills, to name a few benefits.

Over the years, I have seen many people come and go at Toastmasters, but few have had the stamina to keep going. If you are reading this blog today, I recommend that you focus on your personal growth because it will have an impact on your overall life experience.

How to get started?

  • Hire that coach
  • Read that book
  • Take that course
  • Watch this educational video
  • Listen to that podcast or audiobook
  • Find that mentor
  • Join that mastermind group or Toastmasters

We live in a world where so many options are available at our fingertips. That being said, did you know that people often value entertainment more than education?

Bill Gates once said, “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.”

Based on my own experience, I believe this statement to be very true and relevant.

The saying ‘Little by little does the trick’ holds a lot of truth.

I have been considered an underdog with a very small chance to succeed more than once, but I didn’t allow that to affect me.

Over the years, I have continued to work on refining my thought process and strengthening my mental resilience.

If I have a bad day, I immediately ask myself, “What do I give my attention to?” and I shift focus.

Wherever you are in your life’s journey, I want you to be grateful for how far you have come, and I encourage you to keep going, step by step.

Nobody can determine how capable you are except you.

Aren’t you happy to know that I am in your corner?


How do you demonstrate consistency in your life?

Have you read “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy?

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