TOGETHER for manufacturing with a proven training methodology and an
exceptional follow-up process in order to get to next-level thinking.
exceptional follow-up process in order to get to next-level thinking.
You have Challenges. We have Solutions.

Resistance to Change
Resistance to Change
What can change? The goals, teams, playing field, roles, materials, strategies, time constraints, processes, systems, expectations, management, customers, suppliers … in short, what can’t change? Leaders today have to fully grasp what people go through emotionally, in order to make change sustainable. Will having the right tools help you to professionally guide your team during even turbulent times of change?

High Turnover
High Turnover
Everything we do in life and at work starts with people. Our reputation for dealing with them follows us everywhere. If we don’t get the basics of human interaction right, we don’t even have to bother with bigger ambitions. More clients, larger facilities, a greater ROI… These goals can only be achieved if people are mentally engaged and productive. How do you stay one step ahead of your competition?

High Absenteeism
High Absenteeism
If people don’t come to work, there is a reason. It’s often not a sickness at home; it’s an unhealthy work environment. Walk around and observe how people interact, and what emotions you read on their faces. If they’re negative, short with others, easily frustrated or completely silent, people are “phoning it in,” in more than one way. How keen are you to get the people process right?

Health & Safety Concerns
Health & Safety Concerns
How often do you find yourself realizing that people on the shop floor possess more talent, skill and creativity than they are currently required (or allowed) to demonstrate? When people are engaged, they take responsibility for their actions and become far more mindful. This leads to a demonstrable reduction in health and safety concerns, violations and claims. Are you primed to raise the bar?

Quality Issues
Quality Issues
Why isn’t quality everyone’s business? The manufacturing industry is all about being faster, lowering costs, reducing scrap and building a high-quality product for the best possible price. That is a big challenge, particularly as the need to do more with less has become the norm. There are so many mentally creative steps that can be taken to improve quality. Where are improvement opportunities for you right now?

Problems versus Solutions
Problems versus Solutions
Can it be that the way we look at problems is the problem? Thinking and speaking about problems day after day takes a toll on people’s mental and physical health. You have to have a strategy focusing on fresh solutions, not rehashing stale problems. When a growth mindset is fostered, people think, feel and act differently. Can we support you and your team in developing a new mindset?

Far too many people live in the World of “W”: wishing, whining and wasting everyone’s time. The worst part is that negativity is like a disease; doesn’t one bad apple spoil the whole bunch? Without even being conscious of it, the “W” dwellers find a problem for every solution. They’re oblivious to their own mental attitude. How do you think negativity and frustration impact the bottom line?

Society today seems to be all about instant gratification. Knowledge is at our fingertips with Google; buying anything we want is but a click away. We buy and don’t save. We text and don’t talk. We feel entitled to whatever we want, immediately. The one thing we cannot summon without effort is long-lasting, meaningful relationships. Are you interested in discovering a new and refreshing approach?

Complacency and Mediocrity
Complacency and Mediocrity
A lack of understanding of human nature – what makes people tick – prevents many owners and managers from tapping into their people’s potential. When people feel undervalued or bored, they feel stagnant and become complacent.. Once dysfunction sets into a business culture, it becomes very difficult to excel – for the business and for the people. Are you accepting or rejecting the status quo?
to Karico International!
If you are driven to evolve and excel, rather than struggle to survive, you have come to the right place.
Mental strength, a constructive thought process, stress management and emotional control are the foundations of outcome-oriented leadership with or without a title.
Success starts in the mind; feeling good is a choice, not a coincidence.
Can you imagine the possibilities if the people in your organization would collaborate instead of working against each other?

to Karico International!
If you are driven to evolve and excel, rather than struggle to survive, you have come to the right place.
Mental strength, a constructive thought process, stress management and emotional control are the foundations of outcome-oriented leadership with or without a title.
Success starts in the mind; feeling good is a choice, not a coincidence.
Can you imagine the possibilities if the people in your organization would collaborate instead of working against each other?
Our Philosophy:
Becoming the Best is a State of Mind.
Becoming the Best is a State of Mind.
Proven Training Methodology for the Manufacturing Industry

Thanks so much for
stopping by.
stopping by.
My name is Karin Lindner. I am a passionate “edu”preneur, optimist, author, marathon runner, Ironman triathlete and philanthropist. My life’s work has long been supporting people in the manufacturing industry so they can reach their fullest potential.
I think there is something amazing about it when you realize that people are capable of doing extraordinary things.
Putting people first is a scientifically proven business model and we are here to reinforce that, one company at a time. Dare to raise your company’s standards and challenge the status quo. Why compete and exist, when you can evolve and excel?
The Karico Difference
Knowledge of the Industry:
- 15 + years of dedication to the people in the industry; we connect and speak your language
- Published Self-Help Book for people in management and production
- We have the ability to establish immediate trust because we understand the challenges of the people at every level of the organization
Our Results speak for themselves – only eight months post-program:
- Reduced Absenteeism by 49%
- Reduced Turnover by 36%
- Significant Improvement in Mindset and Stress Management
Follow-up Process:
Follow-up Process:
- Experience the Mental Power of Continuous
Bite-Sized Learning - Practical Tools and Techniques for Personal Excellence
- Simplified Business Psychology

Read Karin’s book
“How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy?”

Read our weekly blog
“How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy?”

Watch our training videos
“How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy?”