Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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 In Manufacture Your Day

Manufacturing Leadership - Inspiration And Motivation

It’s Wednesday and it’s time for “Manufacturing Leadership Minute” with Karin.

Make sure to watch my video by clicking the link below:


People often think inspiration and motivation are overrated. Well, they’re not.

Just think about it, how can you get through difficult times without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? What’s missing is the hope for a better tomorrow.

Most people work their way through difficulty by being angry, upset, frustrated, or anxious. They have no idea how to control their emotional state and that’s how they live their life. Day in and day out.

Have you ever heard the acronym GIGO?

This means “garbage in, garbage out” and it is a concept common to computer science and mathematics. The quality of the output is determined by the quality of the input.

The same is true with your mind.

Feeding your mind good (and positive) stuff has the same importance as your daily tasks because this will help you to stabilize your emotional state.

I stopped watching the news 17 years ago because I was in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. As a result, I am calmer, happier and more productive than ever. You can be informed without being inundated with negativity.

If you would learn more, read the article “Five Reasons Why Consuming News Excessively is Bad for Your Health”.

Do you know what I am talking about?

You can get new insights, ideas and motivation from so many different sources.

Here are some ideas:

  • reading new books
  • reading my daily blog of course
  • writing your thoughts down to gain clarity of what you truly want
  • watching inspirational videos or movies
  • spending time in the self-help section of your local bookstore
  • meeting new people
  • finding great character role models
  • looking for a mentor (skill and character)
  • learning from others who think differently than you do
  • travelling to new places
  • pushing yourself out of your comfort zone
  • trying something new
  • doing something that you’re really afraid of doing

If you never leave your world, you will never discover a new one.

Make it your goal to motivate yourself and inspire others by being the best you can be.

Life is too short to be in a grumpy mood all day long. Your mental habits will either make you or break you.

Food for Thought:

What do you feed your mind?

Read this article:

9 Awesome Ways to Inspire Others

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