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Prime Your Mind
For Success

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 In Manufacture Your Day

Manufacturing Leadership Training - Behaviours

Today I would like to invite you to think about a possible disconnect between lofty goals and behaviours.

I think not too many people in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry talk about mindset, thought process, and self-sabotaging beliefs when goals are not achieved. They see that people don’t complete a task, and then they become frustrated or even angry because something didn’t get done.

Have you ever tried to find out what holds people back from being at their best?

Take a moment and look at your goals, and then evaluate your actions and see if your behaviour matches where you want to be.

Let me give you an analogy: Let’s say you want to fly from Toronto to Vienna.

What statement would you prefer to hear from the pilot?

  1. “Our goal is to make it to Vienna.”
  2. “We will land at 10.20 am local time in Vienna.”

I assume the second statement would get your vote of confidence.

How can it be the goal to make it to Vienna? You have to know that you will get there, am I right?

You have to have the right mindset, thought process, and skill set. If the pilot knows what he/she is doing, he/she will be able to handle possible course corrections along the way without freaking everyone out.

The same is true in business.

I would like to give you an example. How often does it happen that management in the automotive industry is getting ready for a product launch without mentally preparing themselves and their team about what to expect and how to handle stressful situations?

Having a mental strategy is key!

If leaders

  • don’t have positive expectations
  • are mentally not prepared and
  • their emotional state isn’t under control,

their behaviours will be out of control and their focus will be on derailing people instead of making it a collective effort to concentrate on the goal.

When emotions are high (fear, anxiety, stress), intelligence is low.

In other words, when we are stressed we turn into very different people but we can prepare to get a better handle on it.

Do you know why leadership training often doesn’t seem to work? The reason is that leadership training isn’t a PowerPoint presentation with a few role-plays along the way. It isn’t something to check off the list for HR, and it certainly isn’t a vacation for attendees.

If people don’t see the connection between the training and their job, the training outcomes won’t be there.

Let’s evaluate what’s important:

  1. Management has to believe training is critical to the outcomes of the business. What do you want to achieve? Reduced turnover or absenteeism? Better quality? Outstanding health & safety record? Improved employee opinion survey results?
  2. Have a training strategy and a plan;
  3. Build awareness about mindset, constructive thought management and habit change;
  4. Focus on progress and effort;
  5. The bosses of the trainees have to be trained/coached as well;

Continuous improvement is important and this is as valid for processes as it is for people.

If the actual behaviour / your actions don’t match the goal, how can you ever get there?

Food for Thought:

How do you develop your team?

Please read the following article:

The 6 Stages of Behavior Change

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