Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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 In Manufacture Your Day

There are many people who are very dissatisfied frustrated with their own life and being rude to others seems to make them feel a tiny bit better. 

Unfortunately we find this kind of people at all levels of the organization. 

Here is what you can do when someone rubs you the wrong way: 

  • Pause and think – it gives you the chance to respond (responsibility = ability to respond, not to react)
  • Evaluate the exact situation – how much will this matter in a year from now? 
  • Ask open ended questions to make sure you understand what’s going on – this will help you to determine your course of action
  • Ask yourself why you feel offended? – Was it the tone? Was it the language? Was it the message? Did the person push one of your personal hot buttons? 
  • If you found the answer, ask yourself, “Have I ever made a similar mistake?” – Chances are you have and this will help to put things into perspective. 

It has been said that when you learn to let go you create space for something better. 

Isn’t this what you want? 

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