Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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Prime Your Mind
For Success

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Karin’s daily blog posts will help you to develop mental strength and a more constructive thought process.

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 In Manufacture Your Day

Those of you who know me already know that I am a firm believer in physical activity.

I don’t think many people realize how important it is to integrate exercise into their lifestyle.

It is about consistency and self-discipline. You cannot do it every once in a while, you have to do it all the time! 

If people tell me that they don’t have time to exercise, it makes me smile. Excuses, excuses, excuses….. You find time for everything in your life if it is important enough because then you will make it a priority.

I want to be very clear, it is certainly not about having the perfect slim and muscular body we see all the time in these high gloss magazines. However, it is about feeling good about yourself, feeling strong and healthy. I know people who are slim but this does not mean that they are fit….

Fit means…

  • walking up the stairs without breathing heavily.
  • having good energy to get through the day.
  • having a good immune system. 

It is my goal to encourage YOU to get moving! 

Why? Exercise will….

  • improve your brain power for problem-solving if you work out 2 or 3 times a week
  • create endorphins with the side effect of happiness
  • boost your immune system
  • not only change your body but also your body image
  • increase your energy level
  • help you to conquer negativity
  • increase your creativity (jogging for the brain)
  • teach you that you can be in control of everything you do

If you exercise, you will inspire the people around you to get started.

Don’t you think these are all good reasons to improve your personal and professional life? 


  • Choose 3 days (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Saturday) a week and work out religiously on these days – morning, lunchtime or evening, whatever fits your schedule best. 
  • Make a plan and set your personal fitness goals – i.e. a 5 k run, losing 10 pounds, lowering your cholesterol level…. Whatever you choose – make it SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)
  • Find a training buddy! 
  • Join a gym.
  • Start with a short workout but start today  – ready, set, go!!!

For me, there is no doubt in my mind that the body and mind are connected. It is important to understand how mental and physical fitness impact each other. 

Do it for yourself, do it for your family, and do it to inspire, lead and succeed!

Food for Thought:

How much time do you schedule for your personal level of fitness in a week?

Please read the Harvard Health article:

Why we should exercise – and why we don’t

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